
ASCI Doctoral Research Presentation

On September 27, 2017, Nagoya University held its graduation ceremony at the Toyoda Auditorium on the Higashiyama Campus. Three ASCI students were awarded Doctoral degrees at the ceremony, a reflection of their unyielding effort and absolute determination, completing their studies within a three year period.
After the graduation ceremony, ASCI provided the graduates with an opportunity to make a presentation concerning their doctoral studies. Prof. Isoda, Director of ASCI, opened the research presentation with a welcome address.

Dr. Tsend Tsogt of the Graduate School of Law conducted his research on administrative law in Mongolia. He emphasized the importance of taking a historical approach in order to both understand administrative law theory and transform society into a more democratic system. He referred to the fact that Japan was significantly influenced by continental law, such as German and French law, when forming its modern legal system.

Dr. Nguyen Hoai Son argued that the transition to a capitalist economy is necessary for Vietnam in order to have access to foreign capital. His doctoral research focused on implementing and amending Vietnamese competition law to expand Vietnam’s market share.

Dr. Ngin Chhay of the Graduate School of Agriculture explained the results of his study concerning the value of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach in order to increase the productivity of the rice crop in Cambodia more efficiently. Efficient production is a very important issue in Cambodia in light of the increase in demand for food associated population growth and a decrease in the number of farmers growing rice.

We would like to wish our graduates further success in their careers!

