Q. What is your research topic?
A. Estimation of the unvaccinated among those aged less than 25 years according to aimag and the association with incidence in 2015-16 measles outbreak in Mongolia.
Q. Why did you choose the ASCI to study?
A. At first, this is a doctoral program which provides an opportunity to me to get a doctoral degree of Nagoya University without having to take time out from my work. Secondly, I got my Master degree in Healthcare Administration from Young Leaders Program of Nagoya University, which is basic requirement of the program. Also this program offered scholarship and expenses paid by Nagoya University.
Q. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ASCI to study?
A. Advantage is to give opportunity to do research work while doing work. In my observation from other similar students during my study were difficult to communicate with professor by distance. Communication and understanding between professor and student is very important in order to successful complete research work. Open, close onsite discussion or communication very much needed during research work and study. I am lucky, because my supervisor Professor Nobuyuki Hamajima, he fully supported my research work.
Q. What is your greatest achievement during your PhD course?
A. Successfully published 2 papers in an international journal in my research topic.
Q. What are your career goals?
A. To continue my research work and to contribute PhD students who study in the ASCI programs.
Q. Please advise PhD students who study in the ASCI program.
A. Time management is important in learning PhD from distance. Always keep in mind, that you are PhD student in ASCI program and focus on your research work to complete on time.